Annamaria Carusi, Director
Annamaria Carusi is Director of Interchange Research.
I have extensive experience of research and practice in social and cultural aspects of science. My work focusing on research culture in PhD training has been commissioned by Wellcome. I am the PI of Emerging Research Cultures, a project that supports the Wellcome PhD programmes community of practice. My work has also been commissioned to support collaboration and interdisciplinarity in the biosciences and in chemicals regulation and policy by the European Commission Joint Research Centre. I am the author of several publications and reports, including BeAMS (Bridging Across Methods in the BioSciences) Science for Policy Report. A philosopher of science and technology by background, my prior academic work combined philosophical and STS approaches to studies of technology mediation in the biosciences and in medical sciences.
I have always been curious about how science works ….
Coming from an arts and social sciences background, I noticed that there are many things in common between arts and sciences. Their creativity. their need to work ‘outside the box’ and to communicate with others.
I made the transition to science studies from a background in philosophy and literature. I have over 30 years experience as an academic researcher and lecturer. I’ve been principal investigator or co-principal investigator on 12 funded projects, and have over 65 reports and publications in scholarly journals or books. My research has focused on the nature of models, visualisations and simulations, medical images, and artificial intelligence systems.
Through my research, I have garnered a great deal of expertise on interdisciplinary and multi-expert team collaborations. Trust is a strong theme of my research: how do scientists trust each other? How do they trust the technologies they use? And increasingly, how do policy makers and the public trust scientists? My commitment is to using the research on these social aspects of science to inform better practices in science.
I am Honorary Research Associate at the Department of Science and Technology Studies of University College London. I have worked at the University of Oxford, University of Copenhagen, and University of Sheffield.
I have a PhD in Philosophy, from the University of Natal, South Africa. BA Hons and MA were received from the University of the Witwatersrand.